File Sharing and Security Settings
Some changes were made in the sharing and security of our network folders and I am unable to restore them to allow the sharing and security settings that were originally in place.A drive was set up on...
View ArticleUnable to add sub folder or files although user had been given full access...
Hi Guys,I need help on this issue. I had given a user full access right on a folder from the server, but on the map drive in his laptop he could not add sub folder or files.I had tried to redo all the...
View ArticleThere was a problem finding your work folders server
Hi All,am try to sync work folders in my lab env. where i have 1 DC windows server 2012r2 std (along with work folder role installed) and 2 windows 8.1 enterprise edition client (1 with domain joined...
View ArticleHow to find the latest Microsoft binaries available on Microsoft site.
Hello All,I need some assistance to know how we can get the latest binaries available on Microsoft site. As its every time consuming process to match the updated binaries and again look for the updated...
View ArticleWin2008R2 DFS Replication Keeps Re-Adding Files to the ConflictAndDeleted...
Has anyone seen this happen before? I manually delete over 36k files from the ConflictAndDeleted folder on a couple read-only members (WMIC command) and they end up showing up again when the DFSR...
View ArticleDFS - accidently granted permission on wrong folder
Hello,I just had to give a couple of new users a home drive in my AD.Unfortunately, I forgot the variable and therefore I granted them all access to \\dfsnamespace\homeI killed my mmc as it didn't...
View ArticleNIC Teaming theory questions
Hello!Windows Server 2012 NIC Teaming (LBFO) Deployment and Management ( says:"3.4 Interactions between Configurations and Load...
View ArticleBest way to add additional NTFS permission to a folder and all files and...
Our users have the default recommended permissions for their Redirected Documents folders that do not include any access permissions for the Administrators group.Very frequently administrators have a...
View ArticleCan I design a SOFS-cluster using non-clsutered storage?
Hi.I've been trying to figure out if I can build a SOFS-cluster with 4 nodes and 4 JBOD cabinets per node for a total of 16 cabinets, like this:I haven't seen this design though so I'm not sure if it's...
View ArticleDFS files never Show up at destination
Hi I have a server RJC-VAN01 which should be replicating 6 folders to RJC-TOR01. The files haven't shown up on RJC-TOR01. From generating a health report it shows that the status of the replicated...
View ArticleIncorrect NFS Permissions Shown to NFS Clients
I've got an odd issue with how the user/group ownership is being presented to my NFS clients from a Win2k8R2 server.For some (seemingly random) files, the group or user or both is showing up as...
View ArticleDFS Replication - Not eligible
Hello,We currently have a Windows 2003 DC, a Windows 2003 R2 File server with DFS and just installed a new Windows 2012 Server.In the process of trying to add the Windows 2012 Server to DFS for...
View ArticleFILE level encryption, client integration solutions
I have recently started investigating encrypted file system and it does NOT seem like it will do what I need it to do. Please let me know if you know differently or know of a product that does what I...
View ArticleEncryption Virus
One of my users got the "howtodecrypt" virus and some of the files shared to that computer from my file server got encrypted. Everything I have read about this says that the only thing I can do to...
View ArticleFolder redirection NTFS permissions - file issue - Access Denied
Here is my issue. I followed these steps exactly used folder, Desktop, My Documents, etc…are created automatically. If user creates a document on the...
View ArticleDFS between 2 SQL Failover clusters a seperate sites
I have 2 clusters running without issues. 1 is located in a branch office and 1 is located in our datacenter. These clusters are providing a HA SQL 2008 R2 services. At the branch site we have a...
View ArticleIs there a way to make DFS shares show up when browsing the network?
When computer is right-clicked and "map a network drive" is selected. When the browse for folder is selected, is there a way to make the DFS shares show up?It would be great if the domain showed up...
View ArticleRemove One shared replication folder from DFS
I have 2 servers that replicate 6 folders. I want to remove just one of the folders that are in DFS and leave the others replicating and sharing the common name. The folders are user folder/files...
View ArticleTerminology for cluster networks
Hello!I've already asked the question on cluster communication network here...
View ArticleFolders that admins dont have access to
Hi, I have a huge file server hosting millions of files and folders.Years ago when it was implemented, users were given full control rights on many shares and envitably stopped permissions inheritance...
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