I have 2 clusters running without issues. 1 is located in a branch office and 1 is located in our datacenter. These clusters are providing a HA SQL 2008 R2 services. At the branch site we have a nightly backup that dumps to a backup drive. That drive is a resource of the SQL Application. This works great as no matter what server is currently active it owns the shared backed drive.
I want to use DFS to move that backup to a datacenter now. Here's what I did
1) I added the Files servers (dfs, and replication) to both nodes at the remote site, and both nodes in the Datacenter
2) Added the file server resource to the SQL application group at the remote site and created a "replicate" share
3) added the files server resource to the SQL application group at the datacenter and added a "replicate" share
4) Now I try to create the replication group. I think I have to use the SQL client access point. When I do it seems to accept it but when I have to specify the "Add a folder to replicate", I get an error "myserver.mydomain.com: It is not possible
to enumerate the physical disk drives in the cluster resource group. The cluster group could not be found". The folder I am trying to add is G:\replicate. I can map a drive remotely to \\branchserver\replicate without any problems. Failover works great
but I can't add it as a replicate target.
Just a note, I tried the actual host name of the remote site server to no avail. I also tried the cluster name to no avail
The SQL Client Access point gets me the furthest but I still get the enumeration error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,