Hi Folks
Not really asking for much !! we are using windows 2012 R2 storage space ; one disk failed
and marked as retired.
today we received replacement disk ; added that to storage pool - fine.
then I repaired all Virtual Disk - process was very quick and went to 100% like a flash.
then I tried to remove faulty disk by using following commands :
$DeadDisk=Get-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName PhysicalDisk-1
FriendlyName CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage Size
------------ ------- ----------------- ------------ ----- ----
PhysicalDisk-1 False Lost Communication Warning Retired 185.5
Remove-PhysicalDisk -PhysicalDisks $deaddisk -StoragePoolFriendlyName storagePool
this errored out ; basically saying that the above disk is still in-use !
Any suggestions ? does repair job take some time ? it looked very fast ; when I did get-storagejob ; it showed 100 percent completed .