One of two of my WS'03r2x64 Domain Controllers (DC0) has 23.7 gigabyte of free disk space but that isn't enough for Directory Services to load (0xC000007F) and I am prompted to run DSRM which won't load the admin's profile; all i can successfully
do from DSRM is shutdown. However, Recover Console does run. I have used Recovery Console to free up additional space (2gb) but it doesn't help. From Recovery Console, chkdsk /p reveals: "There is no disk in drive or file system is not
supported". The system disk subsystem is an Intel SATA RAID. I don't feel comfortable with chkdsk/r as i don't think it's a bad blocks issue and hate to give chkdsk that much freedom. I'm thinking i should try to rewrite
the MBR, however, I'm not sure which way to go that will minimize my risk of "gone beyond return". Can somebody advise on this please?
Glenn of xSyLent