We have an "apps" folder that we want to replicate across 4 sites. This way if the user logs in, the login script will map a Z: drive to \\domain.com\dfs\applications.
However our Marketing department doesn't use one application outside of our headquarters. Its 60+GB of data in our apps share, so when we migrate this to DFS, I want to exclude it. I see I can make an exclusion, but if I do that what happens if they try to access it?
If they are in the HQ the DFS referral target would have this data, so they could still access it correct? What if they go to another branch office? That local server wouldn't have the data... so would DFS automatically point them to the HQ and they could still "see" the folder via the WAN?
Just trying to keep the drive letters the same during this migration (from stand alone apps shares to DFS unified apps shares). I can just move this large folder and give Marketing another drive letter, but then I have to re-install the application that uses this data, as its in the very begging of the install where it asks where the data is located.