I want to redirect Users folders to a Fileserver, and also prevent them from browsing the root folder share.
According to MS, users only needs (List Folder/Read Data, Create Folders/Append Data) permissions on (HR), But without the (Read Attributes) permission, they can't access the redirected folders (Documents, Music, Pictures ...) through Libraries or their User
Folder (Folders icons appear white, nameless and unclickable), even though they have full access on their parent folder (UserName), however, they can access it directly by typing the full UNC.
If I give them (Read Attributes) permission, they can browse and create folders in the root share (HR) easily.
any suggestions?
Share/NTFS Permissions
Share is located on a FileServer Failover Cluster, accessed through a Domain DFS name.
Server 2012 DC
Windows 7 ENT