When have a dfsr hub and spoke setup for a replicated folder.
The permissions were set on the spoke folders so no end users could modify the contents.
To my surprise, when running a health report on the hub, I found a few spokes had a single outbound file backlogged.
When I check the backlog with dfsrdiag.exe on the spokes I see one apparently nameless file:
F:\>dfsrdiag.exe backlog /ReceivingMember:dfsrhub /SendingMember:spoke123 /RGName:myRG /RFName:myRF Member <dfsrhub> Backlog File Count: 1 Backlog File Names (first 1 files) 1. Operation Succeeded
When checking dfsrdiag.exe ReplicationState I see only 2 connections to other dfsr members (non of which are the servers in question).
Is this a bug? What is this?