Hi there
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I have setup one way DFS, well one way in which the replicated folders on the hub server are marked as read-only, so deleting from the hub is not feasible.
However and forgive me for asking a dense question but! I would like to keep the replication going as is which works brilliantly but if a deletion is made on the 'source' server ideally if the file has already been replicated to the hub then the file would be deleted from source but stay on the hub, allowing me to go back to various points in time. I am not sure this is possible, is the best way of doing this so please feel free to slap me and point me in the right direction.
If DFS is not suitable for what I am trying to achieve then I thought I would simply script ( using Robocopy ) a simple file copy operation on an hourly basis or similar.