Domain A we will call
Domain B we will call
Domain A is a 2003 Domain with DFS roots on 2 servers. Both DFS roots are also Domain Controllers.
Domain B is a 2003 Domain with no DFS.
Domain A has an Outgoing, One-Way Trust, with Selective Authentication enabled to Domain B. This allows Domain B users to access resources within Domain A.
I want users in Domain B to be able to access DFS in Domain A.
I have enabled "Allowed to Authenticate" on the 2 DFS roots in Domain A for the users in Domain B.
I have enabled "Allowed to Authenticate" on all other Domain Controllers in Domain A (for other reasons)
I have configured the Share and Security permissions on the DFSRoots directory on the 2 DFS roots in Domain A to Read, List, Read & Execute.
From a Domain B workstation, i get the following when i type:
\\\ = I see Netlogon & Sysvol
\\IP ADDRESS\ = I see Netlogon, Sysvol, & DFSShare, but when i double click the DFSShare i get the below error message ****
****Error Message Reads: "\\IP ADDRESS\Share is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permisions. Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either becouse the machine is unavailable, or access had been denied."
I can open and navigate the Sysvol and Netlogon folders just fine.
I want users in Domain B to be able to access DFS in Domain A.
Domain A we will call
Domain B we will call
Domain A is a 2003 Domain with DFS roots on 2 servers. Both DFS roots are also Domain Controllers.
Domain B is a 2003 Domain with no DFS.
Domain A has an Outgoing, One-Way Trust, with Selective Authentication enabled to Domain B. This allows Domain B users to access resources within Domain A.
I want users in Domain B to be able to access DFS in Domain A.
I have enabled "Allowed to Authenticate" on the 2 DFS roots in Domain A for the users in Domain B.
I have enabled "Allowed to Authenticate" on all other Domain Controllers in Domain A (for other reasons)
I have configured the Share and Security permissions on the DFSRoots directory on the 2 DFS roots in Domain A to Read, List, Read & Execute.
From a Domain B workstation, i get the following when i type:
\\\ = I see Netlogon & Sysvol
\\IP ADDRESS\ = I see Netlogon, Sysvol, & DFSShare, but when i double click the DFSShare i get the below error message ****
****Error Message Reads: "\\IP ADDRESS\Share is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permisions. Configuration information could not be read from the domain controller, either becouse the machine is unavailable, or access had been denied."
I can open and navigate the Sysvol and Netlogon folders just fine.
I want users in Domain B to be able to access DFS in Domain A.