I have one file server (OldServer) with all my user home folders and I need to spilt these onto 4 seperate file servers
My plan is to put home folders begining with
A to D on server1
E to H on server2
I to O on server3
P to Z on server4
My script below would be used for "server1", it copies folders begining with A, B, C and D to the new location. But the issue is now that it also limits the sub folders. so subfolder \\OldServer\HomeFolder\BLOGGS\zzz does not get RoboCopied.
I need for the /XD command to only apply to the top level structure, and for all sub folder to copy
robocopy "OldServer\HomeFolder "Server1\HomeFolder" /MIR /COPY:DATSO /XD E* F* G* H* I* J* K* L* M* N* O* P* Q* R* S* T* U* V* w* X* Y* Z*
Any thoughts?
Thanks Tony