Hi guys.
We have just acquired an Active Directory 2003 R2 infrastructure. Along the lines they have added, upgraded and deployed Windows Server 2008 and up to 2012 Domain Controllers in the domain. The domain was still running NTFRS for SYSVOL at that point of time.
We have since deployed Windows Server 2012R2 Domain Controllers and phased-out all legacy DC versions in the forest/domain. FSMO has been transferred succesfully and the operational level of the Forest and Domain was then upgraded to Native 2012R2 without incidents.
Our problem is when we tried to migrate the SYSVOL from FRS to DFS.
When running "dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 1" or even "dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 0" from an elevated CMD returns this error:
Error: 87. Please check the DfsrMig log files under the windows\debug directory.
The command was run directly on the PDC (we have also tested running the dfsrmig from other Domain Controllers) and Windows firewall is turned off.
The excerpt from the log file where the error took place is as follow:
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 CFAD 7268 Config::AdConfig::ConstructSysVolObjects [SYSVOL] Member:cn=DC01,cn=Topology,cn=Domain System Volume,cn=DFSR-GlobalSettings,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 ADWR 311 Config::AdWriter::CreateSysVolGlobalObjects [SYSVOL] Create sysvol global objects
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 CFAD 2838 Config::AdObjectEditor::AddObject Add cn=DFSR-GlobalSettings,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 ADWR 330 [ERROR] Config::AdWriter::CreateSysVolGlobalObjects [SYSVOL] Failed to add global settings object
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 EVNT 1194 EventLog::Report Logging eventId:8001 parameterCount:3
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 EVNT 1214 EventLog::Report eventId:8001 parameter1:DC01
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 EVNT 1214 EventLog::Report eventId:8001 parameter2:87
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 EVNT 1214 EventLog::Report eventId:8001 parameter3:The parameter is incorrect.
20141221 05:28:47.950 312 MIGM 738 [ERROR] main Error:
+ [Error:87(0x57) Process main.cpp:602 312 W The parameter is incorrect.]
+ [Error:87(0x57) Migration::SysVolMigration::CreateGlobalADObjects migration.cpp:4251 312 W The parameter is incorrect.]
+ [Error:87(0x57) Config::AdWriter::CreateSysVolMigrationGlobalObjects adwriter.cpp:1748 312 W The parameter is incorrect.]
+ [Error:87(0x57) Config::AdWriter::CreateSysVolGlobalObjects adwriter.cpp:336 312 W The parameter is incorrect.]
+ [Error:87(0x57) Config::AdObjectEditor::AddObject ad.cpp:2861 312 W The parameter is incorrect.]
+ [Error:16(0x10) Config::AdObjectEditor::AddObject ad.cpp:2861 312 L No Such Attribute]
<cr>The DFS migration failure event is also registered in Event Viewer as follow:</cr>
It seems the error is caused by dfsrmig not being able to create the "cn=DFSR-GlobalSettings,cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com" object; not sure why though.
Comparing the ACL of the "cn=system,DC=domain,DC=com" object with other AD installations looks legit.
We have previously done FRS to DFS migrations on MixedAD2008 and NativeAD2012 domains succesfully. This is our first time migrating on an NativeAD2012R2 domain.
Any pointers is greatly appreciated...