Good day to all. I apologize in advance for my bad English.
I am trying to plan deduplication deployment, but I got few questions. WARNING: there is a lot of text down here.
1. 2012 dedup does NOT process open files at all (yes/no)?
2. If I set 0 days at file "age" poilicy (MinimumFileAgeDays), will the deduplication task (i mean "optimization") wait for opened file to be closed or it will just skip it and will be completed? If the task will wait the file to be closed, will it impact hard to server resources?
2012 R2.
1. 2012 R2 dedup processes opened files only with "Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) server" setting (yes/no)?
2. For example I set up "Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) server" setting and set "age" policy for files (MinimumFileAgeDays) not 0 days (2 day for example). Will opened files be processed by optimization task (I doubt because opened files are "younger" than 2 days)?
Common questions.
1. Why here (article for 2012 only) the VHD Library which contains "Virtual hard disk files" is called a good target for deduplication? May be it is about deployment storage with vm "image", i mean some analogue of vm template in vSphere andnot about VHDs of started vms?
2. "Process files that have a minimum age of five days according to the Last Modified Time. If Last Access Time is enabled on the server (this is not the default setting), deduplication will use the Last Access Time."
Can I target the optimization task to Last Midified Time with enabled Last AccesS Time? I mean it is useful to turn on the Last Access Time for File Management Tasks, but there could be situation like that: file opens often but not modified at all, so it will not be processed by optimization task just because of Last Acess Time updating.
3. Can someone explain me the OptimizeInUseFiles (what is "15 mines") and OptimizePartialFiles (i cant get the meaning of "including portions of files that are old enough, according to the value of the MinimumFileAgeDays parameter") parameters of Set-DedupVolume?
Thanks in advance.