I need to recover files and folders that were deleted by robocopy. I was running a backup of existing photos from one server to another server (Windows server 2008) using the robocopy /mir command. The destination folder had an existing folder in it that contained other photos but because this folder was not in the source folder then it was deleted by robopcoy. The destiantion folder is on a software mirrored dynamic disk. I need to recover this destination folder, but have not had any luck. I have avoided writing any more data to the destination drive to prevent data loss. I am also not able to use the previous version option as this is not enabled.
So far I have tried using recuva, photorec and even a paid utility Active @ Uneraser but they cannot perform a straight forward undelete. I have to go to the deep scan method which doesn't recover the original file and path names. Even then I don't think I am getting the files I need back (there are a lot files to sort through) as the creation dates don't match up with the ones I am after.
My real question is, does a dynamic mirrored volume allow undelete? So far it doesn't seem so. Is it possible that these files are completely unrecoverable? Any help would be appreciated.