We have a windows server 2008 running, and we access it via remote desktop. And there's this certain folder that all users access, and where we save important files. So, since this is where important files are stored, we wanted to disable deletion (and if possible moving) of the folder and everything under it. However, it's harder than i thought. Right now, we have the permissions "Delete" and "Delete files and subfolders" disabled already, BUT when we try to save a file to this folder, we got this warning/error message:
"You don't have permission to modify files in this network location"
The file is saved however, but there's no content. But when we try to cut/copy an existing file to this folder, it works.
Does anyone know how a workaround on this issue. I've already spent days configuring the settings, and when one works, another issue comes up. This is really frustrating.
Thank you.