Hello everyone. Maybe some guru's know how DFS-R works ;).
I'm very interested in DFS replication for a very large number of small files, whick appear every day. (let's say +10000-100000 files < 64K). During last checking of replica backlog & scom reported about large number of non-replicated files. For instance, I have a replica between two 2012 clusters, they have 1 Gbps link and replication schedule is set to 256 Mbps night \ 32 Mbps day. Replica cannot complete replication in 1-2, even 5 days (i'll say never). That's why it is very interesting, is it worth use DFSR for such files, or I need to search third-party product.
Second question - how DFSR are 'divided' between replication groups? If we have 2-5 replica groups on the same servers, wil they work independently or they are wainting for each other?