Issue description:
Exactly the same as:
Server A B & C
A &B are hubs, C is a spoke
Server A & B = windows 2008 SP2, Server C = windows 2003 R2
After fiddling around today with all three servers I have finally managed t create a nice hub and spoke system. In the future, I will add 12 additional spoke servers.
While running tests from server A (win2k8) the DFS management report started giving me errors that the following performance data was not available:
"The DFS Replication service is unable to access the performance counter RTD-APPSRV01\DFS Replicated Folders(ivr\voice-{B9C0BB92-0088-46F4-96E2-66A066D6E3BD})\File Installs Succeeded on NLRTD-APPSRV01. Performance data is unavailable.
Error ID: 0x800007d5."
The error in the diagnostic report says go to and follow the instructions.
I go to the KB article, try to find the perfc009.da_ files on the windows 2008 ISO I have lying around. Not to be found anywhere on the disc :(
So I read another article that says the perfD009.dat file is actually the original copy of the perfC file.
So I copy the perfD file over the perfC file, return the registry performance counters back to 1846 and 1847 (as desribed), reboot but still no avail.
So I figured, let's see what 0x800007d5 actually means...
Turns out that 0x800007d5 means "No data to return" which isn't really helpfull in this case.
I tried the lodctr /R command, nothing
Checked perfmon on both servers and both of them are able to give me the data. So the counters are there!
Finally I tried to see if I could find the GUID somewhere in the registry, but that unfortunately is not the case.
Replication is working, but I really really want the diagnostic reports before I can continue to expand this scenario to 13 spokes and 2 hub servers.
However the registry permissions did not fix the problem.
I can access the counters fine through perfmon.
The only thing I can see that might be the cause is the servername in the report. It is not correct.
For instance in the example above the reference server isRTD-APPSRV01. Using this example, the report actually only shows the following (first two letters of server name is missing).
"The DFS Replication service is unable to access the performance counter D-APPSRV01\DFS Replicated Folders(ivr\voice-{B9C0BB92-0088-46F4-96E2-66A066D6E3BD})\File Installs Succeeded on NLRTD-APPSRV01. Performance data is unavailable. Error ID: 0x800007d5."
Replication is definitely working. Just unable to run a report.
Any assistance is greatly appreciated.