Background Info
- AD is functional level 2008 R2
- Web server is running Windows 2012 + IIS (W1 > W5)
- File Server is running Windows 2012 R2 and DFS (FS1, FS2)
Now when i setup my dfs file share, it is pointing to FS1, during this period, all my web servers (W1 > W5) works fine
However when i add in FS2 to the DFS, i start getting error 53. Mapping directly to the file share works properly, just the DFS not working properly
C:\Windows\debug>net use \\contoso\dfsshared\bankSystem error 53 has occurred.
The network path was not found.
C:\Windows\debug>net use \\fs1\bank
The command completed successfully.
C:\Windows\debug>net use \\fs2\bank
The command completed successfully.
Has anyone experienced such an issue before?