I keep getting this error (in the subject) recently and it is offlining one of two volumes I have setup in storage spaces. I have two volumes (Cameras, and Data) and Cameras seems to be operating fine, while Data keeps offlining saying that it is out of room I guess. However I am only using 5TB out of 15TB.
The drive configuration is 7 3TB drives (which currently 1 has died which is why it's in degraded state, but this problem has been going on before it degraded)
Can someone help me figure out how to fix this? I have ordered 3 additional disks (1 to replace the bad disk and 2 in case I need to expand for whatever weird reason)
It just sounds weird that somehow I have ran out of space with only 5TB being used up. I noticed the number of columns is off between the two volumes too. Not quite sure why or how to fix that either.
Below is a read out of get-virtualdisk below.
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-virtualdisk | format-list
ObjectId : {ab0dd747-ff1f-11e3-944a-d850e6c17f11}
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : 47D70DAB1FFFE311944AD850E6C17F11
Access : Read/Write
AllocatedSize : 2197681078272
DetachedReason : None
FootprintOnPool : 4395362156544
FriendlyName : Cameras
HealthStatus : Warning
Interleave : 262144
IsDeduplicationEnabled : False
IsEnclosureAware : False
IsManualAttach : False
IsSnapshot : False
LogicalSectorSize : 512
Name :
NameFormat :
NumberOfAvailableCopies : 0
NumberOfColumns : 3
NumberOfDataCopies : 2
OperationalStatus : Degraded
OtherOperationalStatusDescription :
OtherUsageDescription :
ParityLayout :
PhysicalDiskRedundancy : 1
PhysicalSectorSize : 4096
ProvisioningType : Thin
RequestNoSinglePointOfFailure : True
ResiliencySettingName : Mirror
Size : 2199291691008
UniqueIdFormat : Vendor Specific
UniqueIdFormatDescription :
Usage : Other
PSComputerName :
ObjectId : {02871cc0-ca6c-11e3-941f-3085a9a710e8}
PassThroughClass :
PassThroughIds :
PassThroughNamespace :
PassThroughServer :
UniqueId : C01C87026CCAE311941F3085A9A710E8
Access : Read/Write
AllocatedSize : 5452997853184
DetachedReason : None
FootprintOnPool : 16358993559552
FriendlyName : DATA
HealthStatus : Warning
Interleave : 262144
IsDeduplicationEnabled : False
IsEnclosureAware : False
IsManualAttach : False
IsSnapshot : False
LogicalSectorSize : 512
Name :
NameFormat :
NumberOfAvailableCopies : 0
NumberOfColumns : 2
NumberOfDataCopies : 3
OperationalStatus : Degraded
OtherOperationalStatusDescription :
OtherUsageDescription :
ParityLayout :
PhysicalDiskRedundancy : 2
PhysicalSectorSize : 4096
ProvisioningType : Thin
RequestNoSinglePointOfFailure : True
ResiliencySettingName : Mirror
Size : 16492674416640
UniqueIdFormat : Vendor Specific
UniqueIdFormatDescription :
Usage : Other
PSComputerName :
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-virtualdisk
FriendlyName ResiliencySettingNa OperationalStatus HealthStatus IsManualAttach
------------ ------------------- ----------------- ------------ --------------
Cameras Mirror Degraded Warning
False 2 TB
DATA Mirror Degraded Warning
False 15 TB