I created a new replication group and it replicated 180GB of 250GB from Server A (10.1.1.x) to Server B (10.2.2.x). Then it just stopped. I ran a health report and it gives me this message:
"This member is waiting for initial replication for replicated folder Data and is not currently participating in replication. This delay can occur because the member is waiting for the DFS Replication service to retrieve replication settings from Active Directory Domain Services. After the member detects that it is part of replication group, the member will begin initial replication. Replication will begin after initial replication is complete."
I ran "WMIC /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path DfsrReplicationGroupConfig get LastChangeSource" to get the DC and it was correct.
I ran "Dfsradmin Membership List /RGName:FolderA /attr:MemName,RFName, IsPrimary" and the results came back stating that neither member is primary.
So my questions are:
1. Wouldn't a primary member have been set during the initial replication since it replicated 180GB of data already and then just stopped? Or did DFS think initial replication was completed and therefore removed the primary member?
2. Do I have to set a primary member using this command line before it'll start working again "Dfsradmin Membership Set /RGName:<replication group name> /RFName:<replicated folder name> /MemName:<member you want to be primary> /IsPrimary:True?
3. I've checked the dfsr log file and I'm seeing this. Does this show anything?
"[Error:9027(0x2343) DownstreamTransport::EstablishSession downstreamtransport.cpp:4054 5132 C A failure was reported by the remote partner]
+ [Error:9051(0x235b) DownstreamTransport::EstablishSession downstreamtransport.cpp:4054 5132 C The content set is not ready]
4. I see this article and it's exactly what I think is going on.
I want to tread very lightly when trying to fix this because I do not want to affect the data on Server A. What solutions are recommended? Server A is a Windows 2008 R2 Standard Server. Server B is a Windows 2012 Storage Server.