We have a major issue running Office 2003 and 2010 on Windows server 2003 in a corporate AD environment. Since upgrading workstations from XP to Windows 7 we find that many users loose locking of Excel and Word files between 20 minutes and 6 hours after opening. This allows a second user to open the file, save it, then the original user saves and the first users changes are lost.
We have tried everything we can think of, removing AV software from severe and client, patching completely, wiping serve rand building from scratch, etc. We have run out of ideas from Microsoft tech support, cannot get any joy from our account manager, and are out of ideas. Office 2013 also seems to have the same problem from our testing.
The issue is active for files from Excel and Word, and does not matter whether it is a file format in the legacy 2003 format or the newer 2010 format.
FYI - This cannot be replaicted using Widnows XP on the same network / server / document - It is specific to WIndows 7 !
Has anyone had this problem and can anyone help?