Hi all, I'm experiencing very strange behavior with share/NTFS permissions. My account (let's call it "Corbin Dallas") is a member of the Domain Admins group and is getting access denied when trying to open a file on a network share locally. The NTFS permissions on the share are configured for Full Control for Domain Admins. This is how I (Corbin Dallas account) created and configured the share:
Share Permissions:
- Authenticated Users - Full Control
NTFS Permissions:
- Configure folder to not inherit permissions and remove all existing permissions.
- Add Domain Admins with Full Control - This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.
- Add System account with Full Control - This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.
- Add Local Administrators group on server with Full Control - This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.
- Owner Rights with Modify - This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.
- Test User with Modify - This Folder, Subfolders, and Files.
Note that I have not explicitly assigned my Corbin Dallas account any permissions, but should still receive access as it is a member of the Domain Admins group which has Full Control.
So the problem itself comes about when I do the following: I log into a Windows 7 computer as "Test User" (which only has Domain Users membership) and access \\server\TestShare$ and create a .txt document in the root of the folder and log off the computer.
Then on the server hosting the TestShare$, I log in locally as my Corbin Dallas account and attempt to go into the TestShare folder and try to open the .txt document that "Test User" created but I'm given an access denied which doesn't make sense since the Corbin Dallas account is a member of the Domain Admins group which has NTFS Full Control permissions to it. What's even stranger, is that if I log into another computer as my Corbin Dallas account and access the share through \\server\TestShare$ and try to open the .txt document, it opens fine without any access denied prompts.
So basically, I'm only denied access when I attempt to open the file locally on the server. What have I configured wrong? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.