We have a two-way hub-and-spoke DFS replication topology. Our headquarters is the hub, and each of the branch offices is a spoke. Each spoke has its own two-way replication group (lets' call the spoke replication groups spoky, spoky1, spoky2, etc.). This allows us to centralize backups of our branch office data...we only have to backup the file systems on the hub servers. However, a new business request has come through. The business wants me to take a sub-structure of the data being replicated by each spoky replication group and mesh it among all offices so the same data can be accessed at any office. I would obviously have to create a new replication group to accomplish this feat (let's call it meshy). I'm wondering whether I can replicate a folder using meshy that already exists in the folder structures being replicated by each spoky replication group.
C:\data\sharedfiles and all subfolders are being replicated by each spoky. I want to replicate subdir2 and everything under it
(C:\data\sharedfiles\subdir1\subdir2\subdir3\subdir4... ) using meshy. This means there's a folder structure that will be replicated by 2 replication groups simultaneously. Will the spokys and meshy get along?