I am trying to figure out why RSS is not enabled for SMB3 on a Windows 2012 R2 server with Intel i350-T2 nic cards using Intel drivers
Ethernet 4 is connected to a 1GB switch, the card is show to have RSS enabled
Get-NetAdapterRSS :
Name : Ethernet 4
InterfaceDescription : Intel(R) I350 Gigabit Network Connection
Enabled : True
NumberOfReceiveQueues : 8
Profile : Closest
BaseProcessor: [Group:Number] : :0
MaxProcessor: [Group:Number] : :63
MaxProcessors : 8
RssProcessorArray: [Group:Number/NUMA Distance] :
IndirectionTable: [Group:Number] :
Yet both Get-SMB server/clientNetworkInterface command show RSS as false ?
PS C:\Users\ncote> Get-SmbServerNetworkInterface | Select-Object -Property *
FriendlyName : Ethernet 4
InterfaceIndex : 46
IpAddress :
LinkSpeed : 1000000000
RdmaCapable : False
RssCapable : False
ScopeName : *
PSComputerName :
CimClass : ROOT/Microsoft/Windows/SMB:MSFT_SmbServerNetworkInterface
CimInstanceProperties : {FriendlyName, InterfaceIndex, IpAddress, LinkSpeed...}
CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties
I have no idea why the SMB3 layer is showing RSS as false or how to enabled it.
System details :
hardware Dell T7500 workstation with dual x5650 xeon cpu's 96GB of ram, Nics : Intel i350-T2, disabled Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx, DLink DFE-530TX and some vmware virtual adapters.
When multiple large GB files are copied to the server via SMB or when I run Iperf with parallel sessions only one CPU core shows close to 90% usage. the PerfmonPer Processor Network Activity / Interrupt Cycles/sec only show activity on 1 cpu core instance 12.