Context Server 2012
I was in theory able to create a NFS client mount to a NAS drive (IOMega drive), e.g.
C:\Windows\system32>mount -o sec=sys K:
K: is now successfully connected to
However no K: drive shows up.
When i go in to TSM (The IBM Trivoli Backup) client it sees it, which is good because the very reason i wanted to do this was i wanted to be be able to backup content.
>> Why can't i see the k: drive in explorer ?
A "showmount -a" shows no mounts ?
Also the mount help has :
Usage: mount [-o options] [-u:username] [-p:<password | *>] <\\computername\sha
rename> <devicename | *>
>> What is with the "*", what will this do ?
I did find http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/winserverfiles/thread/44445dc3-0185-407f-b8ad-711f22cd4ec6 and tried this but Explorer shows the K: drive as "Disconnected Network Drive" with a red cross, but shows the contents of the NAS files !! This uses NTAUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Some threads reference "net use w: \\Unixmachine\share name " not "mount"
I think it has something to do with the user who owns the mapping...
Because the TSM tool no longer shows the K: drive (i.e. when i run the gui it runs under me)
It is unlikely this is new to me, someone else must have come across this NFS madness.
Thanks in advance