Preamble here:
My Win 2008 R2 server is located at Location A (along with 10 Win 7 Pro)
I have 3 Win 7 Pro's located at Location B
I have 5 Win 7 Pro's located at Location C
Their networks are VPN'ed to each other. All have the same type of security setup. Zero problems with my VPN.
All the clients (Win 7) are in the domain. I can log in as users or the domain admin. No problem there.
I have a GPO for folder redirection (My Documents, Favorites, Downloads so far). Each user has a mapped Z:\ drive to their \\server\HomeDir\%username% folder.
Users at Location A and C - CAN browse the network. They can access all the shares you see in the image below. They can access their own "HomeDir" folder and their own Z:\ drive.
Users at Location B can and cannot. I'll explain:
- Cannot access the HomeDir folder (see the image below)
- Can access all the other shared folders (see image below)
- Any user, regardless of where they work, cannot access the HomeDir
- Any user, regardless of where they work, does not get the GPO for folder redirection
- Here's the kicker: If I log in as domain admin - I DO get access to my Z:\ drive and I get the folder redirection, and I can browser the HomeDir
If I take a user who normally works at Location B - but log him/her into a computer at Location A or C... No problems. They can browse their Z:\ drive, the folder redirection works, and they can browse the HomeDir.
How is this even possible? Maybe I'm brain fried today, but I can't see what is missing here that would cause this. Any suggestions? When I run the RSOP.MSC on computers at Location B - I see the GPO being applied on the machine (for any user). How strange is that?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.