I have two 2008r2 servers setup in a full-mesh multipurpose replication group. (01 and 02). 01 was the source server. The initial sync just finished last night and there are 2 folders that do not appear on either server but they are stuck in the backlog of changes being pushed from 02 to 01. The backlog from 01 to 02 is clear and is replicating perfectly.
- I've attempted rebooting 02, this did nothing.
- The Event viewer for both servers contains nothing helpful.
- I've attempted creating and deleting the "batman" folder hoping that would clear it out. It didn't. When I created it on 01 it pushed it to 02. When I created it on 02 it created a redundant entry on the backlog.
- There were some other random files stuck in the backlog. They were unnecessary so I just deleted them from 01 and it cleared them from the backlog. I was hoping to just do the same with the folders...
Is there somewhere else I can look to help find why those folders are stuck?
I also found this from the DFSR debug log (This occurred while the initial sync was finishing up last night):
20140513 23:27:39.254 2372 CSMG 6769 ContentSetManager::Initialize csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB} csName:Art rootPath:E:\Art state:InitialSync(Sync) ptr:0000000000F83D50
20140513 23:27:39.254 2372 CSMG 5547 ContentSetManager::CheckContentSetState Updating content set record csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB} csName:Art ghosted:0 readOnly:0 readOnlySince:16010101 00:00:00.000
20140513 23:27:39.254 2372 CSMG 5590 ContentSetManager::CheckContentSetState Content set csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB} state:InitialSync(Cleanup)
20140513 23:27:39.395 2372 STAG 2594 Staging::ScanStagingDirectory Staging space usage is: 285794033664
20140513 23:27:39.395 2372 CSMG 2960 ContentSetManager::StartInitialSyncCleanup csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB}
20140513 23:27:39.395 448 ISYN 153 InitialSyncCleanupTask::Run csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB}
20140513 23:27:45.760 448 ISYN 453 InitialSyncCleanupTask::MoveOut Moving \\.\E:\Art\Artist Files\Christine\batman to pre-existing:0x9000000156B80 csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB}
20140513 23:27:45.776 448 CSMG 547 ContentSetManager::DeleteChildren LDB Updating ID Record:+ fid 0x1000000001DF2+ usn 0x0+ uidVisible 0+ filtered 0+ journalWrapped 0+ slowRecoverCheck 0+ pendingTombstone 1+ internalUpdate 0+ dirtyShutdownMismatch 0+ meetInstallUpdate 0+ meetReanimated 0+ recUpdateTime 20140505 11:56:12.179 GMT+ present 1+ nameConflict 0+ attributes 0x10+ ghostedHeader 0+ data 0+ gvsn {BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133+ uid {BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133+ parent {29CFABC2-0180-41C7-A9CE-21DD92783892}-v6880183+ fence Initial Sync (1)+ clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0+ clock 20140501 00:01:02.367 GMT (0x1cf64d070b1522c)+ createTime 20140124 09:37:42.441 GMT+ csId {2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB}+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000+ name batman+
20140513 23:27:45.776 448 LDBX 4435 Ldb::InsertWalkerJob Inserting dirWalkerJob:uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133 moveType:MoveOut (2) at time:20140514 03:27:45.776
20140513 23:27:45.807 448 DIRW 647 DirWalkerTask::QueueMoveoutJob Queueing move-out uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133 fid:0x1000000001DF2
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 317 DirWalkerTask::Run Start walking directory.
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 1373 DirWalkerTask::MoveoutStep Starting to process move-out job. uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 1398 DirWalkerTask::MoveoutStep Iterating children of uid: {BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 2764 DirWalkerTask::TombstoneOrDelete LDB Updating ID Record:+ fid 0x1000000001DF2+ usn 0x0+ uidVisible 0+ filtered 0+ journalWrapped 0+ slowRecoverCheck 0+ pendingTombstone 0+ internalUpdate 0+ dirtyShutdownMismatch 0+ meetInstallUpdate 0+ meetReanimated 0+ recUpdateTime 20140505 11:56:12.179 GMT+ present 0+ nameConflict 1+ attributes 0x10+ ghostedHeader 0+ data 0+ gvsn {BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1376267+ uid {BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133+ parent {29CFABC2-0180-41C7-A9CE-21DD92783892}-v6880183+ fence Default (3)+ clockDecrementedInDirtyShutdown 0+ clock 20140514 03:27:45.776 GMT (0x1cf6f247911f746)+ createTime 20140124 09:37:42.441 GMT+ csId {2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB}+ hash 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000+ similarity 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000+ name batman+
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 101 DirWalkerTask::Job::Finish MoveOut csId:{2D9CF1D7-50E2-4B3E-AC6B-3D60C6B026EB} uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 893 DirWalkerTask::RemoveJob Removing job type:2 uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 LDBX 4472 Ldb::DeleteWalkerJob Deleting dirWalkerJob. uid:{BE36C74B-B5FC-4E8A-8735-039CF9FB3982}-v1264133
20140513 23:27:45.807 2372 DIRW 364 DirWalkerTask::Run Exit.