I was experimenting with Windows Server 2012 R2 ability to use a SSD drive in a storage pool for write-back cache.
The storage pool consists of one 1.5TB disk and one 120 GB SSD drive. After a server reboot the pool shows an error status with a caution symbol on the SSD drive.
In the health screen of the properties on the SSD drive it shows Health status: Warning and Operational status: Split.
The status of the 1.5tb disk shows Health status: Healthy and Operational Status: OK.
I can't find any reference to a Operational status: Split.
Does anyone know what the "split" status indicates and how or if it can be corrected?
PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-physicaldisk
FriendlyName CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage
------------ ------- ----------------- ------------ -----
PhysicalDisk2 False Split Warning
Auto-Select 111 GB
PhysicalDisk0 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 1.36 TB
PhysicalDisk3 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 1.82 TB
PhysicalDisk1 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 2.73 TB
PhysicalDisk4 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 2.73 TB
PhysicalDisk5 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 1.41 TB
PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-storagepool
FriendlyName OperationalStatus HealthStatus IsPrimordial
------------ ----------------- ------------ ------------
Pool-1 Degraded Warning
False False
Primordial OK Healthy
True False
PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-storagepool pool-1
FriendlyName OperationalStatus HealthStatus IsPrimordial
------------ ----------------- ------------ ------------
Pool-1 Degraded Warning
False False
PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-storagepool pool-1 |get-physicaldisk
FriendlyName CanPool OperationalStatus HealthStatus Usage
------------ ------- ----------------- ------------ -----
PhysicalDisk2 False Split Warning
Auto-Select 111 GB
PhysicalDisk0 False OK Healthy
Auto-Select 1.36 TB