We have to replicate a share that contains Autocad and Inventor files on different servers. We have some problem using DFS-R.
This is the scenario:
-Three servers on different location.
-VPN between servers
-Connectivity between servers about 2MBit (this to indicate that the time used to sync a DWG file is about 2 minutes)
-Server versions: 2008, 2008R2, 2012R2
-One share replicated to all servers in merge mode
-DFS-R sync continuously
When Autocad save files it proceeds with these operations: create a tmp file, rename the oldest file, rename the tmp as new file.
In the scenario when a user save files frequently (about 2 times in a minute) on firs save everything goes well, on the second autocad stops as it cannot save data because DFS-R is locking the file.
steps are:
- User Save file
- Autocad create TMP
- Autocad rename old DWG
- Autocad rename TMP to DWG
- DFS-R Start replication of the new DWG
- User save file
- Autocad create TMP
- Autocad rename old DWG: it can't 'cause DFS-R is locking file as it is replicating it
- Autocad stops
- User lose works...
is it possible to configure DFS-R to sync file without locking it?