We have headache-giving problem with Administrative Share in our company.
Network looks like this:
1) Server VLAN - x.x.10.1
2) User VLAN - x.x.11.1
3) Domain Admins VLAN - x.x.12.1
Now for that situation.
When we trying to access Administrative share (C$) from Admin VLAN to User VLAN, it's all fine
From Admin VLAN to Server VLAN - all fine
From Server VLAN to User VLAN - problem
What we found
Our network guy ensured us, that all three VLAN's are wide open to each other
We can't access share on variety of OS - WIndows XP, Windows 7 32/64
Windows share is turned on using Group Policy
File sharing is allowed in Windows firewall
On server we are logged via RDP with Domain Admin accout, which is in local Administrators group on every station on user VLAN
Share service is running
Any ideas?