Recently my Raid 5 80Gb dard drives filled up with data. Expansion within the troops has demanded more storage.
What is the best safe process to increase the drives from 80Gb to higher without loosing the data? I was hoping that a simple change in configuration would work. But after looking at the Raid 5 that was setup prior, I noticed this:
1 = 68+Gb Allocated (128Mb) Unallocated
2 = 68+Gb Allocated (128Mb) Unallocated
3 = 68+Gb Allocated
When I place a new drive in (3) it displays the full size, but naturally does not synch to 1-2. So I start the process of creating the Raid 5 Volume, and the only drives I have to add are the 128Mb drives.
Confused... :-(
Thank you.