Im going to migrate File server from Windows 2008 Standard server to Windows 2012 Standard . Source and Destination Servers are on different subnets . According to thishttp://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj863566.aspx I cannot use Server migrations tool in-built into 2012 . Im not sure if I can use file server migration toolkit 1.2?. Also my Domain controllers are mixture of Windows 2003, 2008 , 2008 R2 and I've upgraded the schema level to 2012 R2 . Is there anything else I need to be aware of ?
Can anyone please recommended best way to go about doing this migration . Is file server migration toolkit 1.2 is compatible ? .
Only reason I don't want to use Robocopy to this is because If I miss a small setting etc then I will face unwanted downtime.
I presume Migration toolkit will also create all the Quotas etc on the destination server .